About Us
'Cat on a mission' spills its secrets ;)
Curiosity can save the world !
I am Nisha Ganneri.
I am an advertising professional by day and a fashion designer (with an upcyclist mindset) by night. 'Cat on a mission' is a labour of love, passion & harmony.
I love clothes. Clothes make me feel good & look good. But I realised that this was coming at the cost of Mother Earth feeling bad & looking bad.
Fast fashion is causing great damage to the planet. Clothes consume too much water while manufacturing and also end up polluting the environment. What’s more unfortunate is that most of these clothes end up in landfills, when discarded, and do not decay for many many years.
I believe that whatever is old & unused can be upcycled into a new design. I believe that by upcycling & sustainability a new kind of fashion is born. A fashion sense with a soul. I believe that curiosity can save the world! Curiosity can lead to solving the most difficult of problems differently, creatively & effectively. This is my mission. This is my team's mission. And oh, we also love cats! Especially curious ones :P